Thursday, January 7, 2010

Transportation History Committee Triennial Strategic Plan (TSP)

Transportation History Committee Triennial Strategic Plan

TRB Annual Meeting

Greetings and Happy New Year to the members and friends of TRB's Transportation History Committee.

This message contains information about the committee's activities at the annual meeting next week in Washington, and also a request for a volunteer committee representative for the "new attendees" reception on Sunday 2:30-4:00 pm at that meeting.

1. The committee meeting is on WEDNESDAY, January 13, from 10:15-noon, in the Hilton room 1919 East. A draft agenda is below, and if you have additional agenda items, please let me know. WE WILL TRY TO BREAK BY 11:45 IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE PEOPLE ATTENDING THE CHAIRMAN'S LUNCH.

2. The committee is sponsoring a session Wednesday, January 13, 4:30-6:00 pm, in the Hilton Jefferson East room, on the Influence of "The Urban Transportation Problem" by Meyer, Kain and Wohl, organized and chaired by Alan Pisarski with presentations by Martin Wachs (Rand Corp), Don Pickrell (USDOT Volpe Center), and Eric Beshers (ICF Consulting). More details below.

3. The committee is co-sponsoring as session on Tuesday, January 12, from 8-9:45 a.m., in the Hilton Jefferson West room, on "Knowledge Management: Successful Practices for Succession Planning." More details below.

Event Title: Transportation History Committee

Event Date: Jan 13 2010 10:15AM- 12:00PM

Event Location: Hilton

Presiding Officers: Gifford, Jonathan L. - George Mason University

Sponsored By: Transportation History (ABG50)

DRAFT Agenda

Call to order

Self introductions

Review of Committee Activities at 2010 Meeting

History Committee and TRB Emeritus/a members (Pisarski)

Activities for 2010

Summer 2010 meeting (participation in July TRB meeting in Minneapolis?)

Other business


Event Number: 702

Event Title: Influence of Meyer, Kain, and Wohl's "The Urban Transportation Problem"

Event Date: Jan 13 2010 4:30PM- 6:00PM

Event Location: Hilton

Presiding Officers: Pisarski, Alan E. - Consultant

Sponsored By: Transportation History (ABG50)


The RAND Role (P10-0774)

Wachs, Martin - RAND Corporation

The University Influence (P10-0776)

Pickrell, Don H. - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

The Economic Influence (P10-0785)

Beshers, Eric - ICF Consulting

Event Number: 421

Event Title: Knowledge Management: Successful Practices for Succession Planning

Event Date: Jan 12 2010 8:00AM- 9:45AM

Event Location: Hilton, Jefferson West

Presiding Officers: Stickel, Jack R. - Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities

Sponsored By: Strategic Management (ABC10)

Transportation Asset Management (ABC40)

Transportation Education and Training (ABG20)

Technology Transfer (ABG30)

Library and Information Science for Transportation (ABG40)

Transportation History (ABG50)

Statewide Transportation Data and Information Systems (ABJ20)

Visualization in Transportation (ABJ95)

Maintenance and Operations Personnel (AHD15)

Public Transportation (AP000)


What Is Knowledge Management and How Does It Help You? (P10-0592)

Hammer, Maureen L. - Virginia Department of Transportation

Learning How to Train Employees for the Workplace (P10-0796)

Brown, Shane - Washington State University

Planning for the Future: Succession Planning and Knowledge Management (P10-0798)

Pedersen, Neil J. - Maryland State Highway Administration

Subject Areas:

Data and Information Systems

Research and Education

Investing in Our Transportation Future – BOLD Ideas to Meet BIG Challenges